TB Vaccine Clinical Pipeline – Sortable

Use this tool to filter vaccine candidates by phases, vaccine platform, target population(s)*, and indication(s)*. Please note that the phase of development listed in this Pipeline is the latest phase in which the candidate is being tested, some candidates may also have trials in earlier stages in different populations (see note at bottom of page for additional information on clinical phase designation). The target population(s) and indication(s) listed here are for the vaccine candidate, not for a specific trial, and are provided by the sponsor or vaccine developer or were found in a clinical trial registry.  A candidate may not appear in the filters on this page if the sponsor or developer has not submitted this information for inclusion.

Click on the candidate name for more information on the candidate and clinical trial information.

If you would like to submit a vaccine candidate for inclusion in the pipeline or update information for a vaccine candidate, please fill out the TB vaccine candidate submission form.

For more information about this Pipeline, please review the Terms of the TB Vaccine Pipeline.

Click here for a downloadable PowerPoint slide of TB vaccine candidates by latest phase of development.

Click here for a downloadable PowerPoint slide of active clinical trials of TB vaccine candidates.


Target Route of Administration

Clinical Trial Status

Target Population(s)

Primary Indication(s)

Vaccine Platform

Additional Indication(s)




BioNTech, Gates Foundation


BioNTech, Gates Foundation


Smorodintsev Res Inst of Influenza, Min of Health, Russia

BCG (Travel vaccine)



Gates MRI, GSK


Biofabri, Bharat, Univ Zaragoza, IAVI, TBVI, HVTN


Gamaleya Res. Centre, MoH Russia


Univ Oxford


Dartmouth, St. Louis Univ




Anhui Zhifei Longcom

Immuvac (MIP)

ICMR, Cadila

ID93+GLA-SE (QTP101)

Quratis (QTP101); NIAID/NIH (ID93+GLA-SE)


Archivel Farma

Updated 2 September 2024
Click on an individual candidate for the dates it was most recently updated

*Note on clinical phase designation
For a vaccine candidate to be designated in a clinical phase in this Pipeline, the trial sponsor must have sufficient funding committed to complete the trial, the protocol must have received applicable regulatory authority and ethics committee approvals, and the trial must be registered in a recognized national or international clinical trial database. Pipelines published by other organizations may have different criteria for listing a candidate in a clinical phase and may differ from the Pipeline displayed here.

The TB Vaccine Pipeline (“Pipeline”) is provided for informational purposes. The information used in this Pipeline (“Information”) was reported by the sponsor/lead developer or found in the public domain associated with the specific candidate and should be considered “as is.” The Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any of the Information displayed in this Pipeline. Use of any such Information, for whatever purpose, shall be at the user’s own risk and liability.