WGNV implements projects and programs that support TB vaccine research literacy among advocates and affected communities, as well as supporting advocacy literacy among researchers. WGNV also engages in global advocacy efforts as a member of the Core Group of the TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM).
Get involved with the TB Vax ARM
The TB Vax ARM represents a global coalition of TB stakeholders, including TB survivors, civil society organizations, and non-profits, invested in TB vaccine advocacy and research, and seeks to provide coordinated advocacy efforts that are complementary to ongoing TB vaccine R&D and policy efforts. The TB Vax ARM holds regular virtual calls with partners and guest speakers from around the world. WGNV coordinates with the TB Vax ARM on global advocacy activities.
Endorse the #Wins4TBVax
The TB Vax ARM has outlined three key advocacy wins for the field to achieve by 2026 in order to effectively advance TB vaccine development and ensure their equitable and affordable access this decade.
Click the button to learn more and sign the petition!
Check out our resources
READ our talking points and policy briefs to learn about key TB vaccine advocacy messages
WATCH the #TBVoices videos to hear from members of the global TB community about why we need new TB vaccines
LEARN more about TB vaccine R&D and enhance your research literacy by taking the New TB Tools Research Literacy online course, hosted on TBPeople's TeachMeTB e-learning platform.
DEVELOP your social media advocacy skills with this digital toolkit
Learn more about TB vaccine R&D, the state of the field, and discover key resources in the our resource page!
TB Vaccine Advocacy Fellowships
The TB Vax ARM and the WGNV, in collaboration with IAVI, have hosted two fellowships in 2022 and 2023, bringing together cohorts representing affected community members, advocates, and early career researchers from high TB burden countries. The fellowships feature a lineup of workshops led by advocacy experts from around the world to help the fellows hone their skills to develop and contribute to future advocacy campaigns.
2023 Fellowship
Seven advocates participated in an online skill-sharing and co-creation program in early 2023. The fellows developed an open letter campaign demanding world leaders invest in TB vaccine R&D to make ending TB possible! Signed by almost 1,200 individuals and organizations from over 90 countries, the letter played an important role in amplifying the collective call for new TB vaccines at the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB in September 2023.
2022 Fellowship
Cheleka Mpande, Gloriah Moses, and Krystyna Rivera joined an intensive two-week social media skill building and campaign development program in February 2022 in the lead up to the 6th Global Forum on TB Vaccines. The fellows developed a social media-based campaign where they called upon members of the global TB community to #Unite4TBVax by sharing how they are helping to make new TB vaccines a reality on the campaign Kudoboard.
Open Letter Campaigns
Since the TB Vax ARM was convened in May 2021, the coalition has launched two open letter campaigns, calling world leaders to fulfil funding commitments to make new TB vaccines a reality. Both campaigns received support from the global TB community, including TB survivors from all G20 states and over 90 organizations, and have reached over 1 million screens on social media.
G20 Ministers of Health and Finance (October 2021)
EU Leadership (February 2022)
Are you involved in or planning an advocacy initiative to support TB vaccine R&D? Contact us!