Our Priorities

WGNV seeks to support and facilitate TB vaccine R&D and to advance the vaccine-related objectives in the Global Plan to End TB by conducting activities in the following priority areas:



WGNV implements projects and programs that support TB vaccine research literacy among advocates and affected communities, as well as supporting advocacy literacy among researchers. WGNV also engages in global advocacy efforts as a member of the Core Group of the TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM).

Early Career researchers

Early Career researchers

WGNV supports an Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network, which coordinates activities to support and engage ECRs. Activities include online and in-person networking opportunities, workshops, Talk to the Experts sessions on relevant topics, and opportunities to raise the visibility of ECRs in the TB vaccine R&D space.

Knowledge Sharing & Fostering Discussion

Knowledge Sharing & Fostering Discussion

WGNV shares knowledge and information about TB vaccine R&D and provides a platform for discussion on key issues, concepts, and gaps. Our activities include organizing workshops, compiling a pipeline of TB vaccine candidates in development, convening the Global Forum on TB Vaccines, and sharing resources and information via our website and mailing list.
Issues in Product Development

Issues in Product Development

WGNV recognizes the challenges in translating concepts for novel TB vaccines into potential products. To help address this challenge, WGNV provides resources and information on product development and opportunities for technical support and training. We are also developing a platform for researchers to connect with each other and with potential partners and collaborators.