Global Forum on TB Vaccines

The Global Forum on TB Vaccines is the world’s largest gathering of stakeholders striving to develop new vaccines to prevent TB. It provides a unique opportunity to review the state of the field, share the latest research and findings, and identify new and innovative approaches to TB vaccine R&D, with the end goal of developing and deploying new TB vaccines as quickly as possible. To date, six Global Forums and one virtual edition have been held, beginning with the first Global Forum in Geneva, Switzerland in 2001 (convened by WHO). The Working Group on New TB Vaccines convenes the Global Forum in collaboration with IAVI, the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative, and host country partner organizations.

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For the first time ever, the Global Forum on TB Vaccines will be hosted in the Americas, under the theme Driving innovation from discovery to access. Don't miss this opportunity to gather with the TB vaccine research and development community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 8-10 October to discuss the latest in TB vaccine R&D.


Tuesday, 14 November 2023 | Paris, France

The Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) held its first annual meeting on 14 November 2023. The meeting was part of a full-day New TB Tools Summit – a collaboration between WGNV, the Stop TB Partnership’s Working Group on New Drugs and New Diagnostics Working Group, TB Alliance, FIND, and IAVI – held just in advance of the 53rd Union World Conference on Lung Health. We were delighted to have so many participants attend the meeting and express interest in our work and the research and development of new TB vaccines.

The meeting had three main parts: an introduction to the WGNV, an overview of the state of the field, and a panel discussion on key topics in TB vaccine R&D.

Other Meetings and Events

1st Conference on Innovations in Tuberculosis

3 - 5 July 2024

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World Health Summit

13 - 15 October 2024

Berlin, Germany & Digital

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IDWeek 2024

16 - 19 October 2024

Los Angeles, California USA

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Union World Conference on Lung Health & TBScience

12 - 16 November 2024

Bali, Indonesia

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3 - 6 December 2024

Cape Town, South Africa

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TBVI Annual Meeting

27 - 31 January 2025

Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Gordon Research Conference Tropical Infectious Diseases: Basic and Clinical Research Strategies for Tackling Tropical Infectious Diseases in A Globalized World

2 - 7 February 2024

Lucca, Italy

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Keystone Symposium:
Heterogeneity from Experimental Models to Human Disease

16 - 19 February 2025

Boston, Massachusetts USA

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Are you organizing or involved in a meeting or event that would be of interest to the TB vaccine R&D community? Contact us!