Leadership & structure

The WGNV chair is responsible for leading, guiding and coordinating the Core Group, the WGNV, and  subgroups and task forces.

The WGNV Secretariat works in close collaboration with the Chair and Core Group to develop and implement the WGNV strategy and work plans, facilitate effective communications, and coordinate the WGNV and its programs.

The WGNV Core Group guides the strategic direction and programs of the WGNV. It facilitates and accelerates decision making, identifies priority areas of work, and is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the WGNV. The Core Group is constituency-based, representing the major stakeholder groups involved in TB vaccine research and development.

WGNV membership is open to anyone with an interest in TB vaccine research and development. WGNV members have the opportunity to contribute to WGNV initiatives in collaboration with WGNV leadership.

The WGNV is hosted by IAVI


David Lewinsohn
Oregon Health & Science University (USA)

Core Group Members (by constituency)

Academic Institutions: Richard G. White, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK)

Affected Communities: Peter Owiti (Kenya); Roger Paul Kamugasha (Uganda)

Clinical Trial Sites: Michele Tameris, South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (South Africa)

Developed Country NGOs/Advocacy Networks: Shaun Palmer, TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM) (Netherlands)

Early Career Researchers: Paul Ogongo, University of California San Francisco (USA); Carly Young, South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative, University of Cape Town (South Africa)

Funders: Ann Ginsberg, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (USA)

TBVI: Elly van Riet (Netherlands)

Global TB Vaccine Partnership: To be determined

IAVI: Lewis Schrager (USA)

Public Sector: Katrin Eichelberg, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases/National Institutes of Health (USA)

Private Sector/Industry: Eileen Foy, Vir Biotechnology (USA)

World Health Organization: Brigitte Giersing, Vaccine and Product Delivery Research, World Health Organization (Switzerland)


Jennifer Woolley, Head of Secretariat (USA)
Vanessa Mwebaza Muwanga, Intern (South Africa)