About Us

Our Mission

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The mission of the Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) is to facilitate research and development of new TB vaccines by providing an inclusive forum for stakeholders to engage in scientific exchange, build consensus on key issues, and advocate for greater support and investment in TB vaccine R&D.

Who we are

The Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) was established in 2001. It is one of the nine Working Groups of the Stop TB Partnership. Its purpose is to facilitate the development of new, more effective TB vaccines through collaboration, cooperation, and consensus; and to support the objectives for TB vaccine R&D in the Global Plan to End TB.

The WGNV is an informal network of stakeholders engaged in all aspects of TB vaccine R&D and from all constituencies, including academics, product developers, clinicians, advocates, funders, policymakers, and affected communities. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in being engaged and involved in TB vaccine R&D.

WGNV Logo Redesign_v2

The Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) was established in 2001. It is one of the nine Working Groups of the Stop TB Partnership. Its purpose is to facilitate the development of new, more effective TB vaccines through collaboration, cooperation, and consensus; and to support the objectives for TB vaccine R&D in the Global Plan to End TB.

The WGNV is an informal network of stakeholders engaged in all aspects of TB vaccine R&D and from all constituencies, including academics, product developers, clinicians, advocates, funders, policymakers, and affected communities. Membership is open to anyone who is interested in being engaged and involved in TB vaccine R&D.

Our Work

The WGNV plays a unique role as a network of stakeholders who support the goal of developing new TB vaccines. It provides a forum for dialogue on issues relevant to research, development and advocacy for new TB vaccines, serves as an objective source of information on TB vaccines and vaccine development, and advocates for increased investment in and support for TB vaccine R&D.

WGNV contributions to TB vaccine R&D include:

Global Plan

Developing the vaccines section of the Global Plan to End TB  through an inclusive process with stakeholders

WGNV Annual Meeting

Representing the TB vaccine research community at meetings and international events


Maintaining a global pipeline of TB vaccine candidates

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Engaging and supporting early career researchers

WGNV Online Curric

Building research literacy for advocates