Explore the TB Vax ARM wins needed to deliver new TB vaccines this decade

The TB Vax ARM has outlined three key advocacy wins for the field to achieve by 2026 in order to effectively advance TB vaccine development and ensure their equitable and affordable access this decade. We will use these wins as guideposts for our advocacy efforts for the coming two years, including an assessment of progress ahead of World TB Day 2025.

We invite TB advocates around the world to act upon the #Wins4TBVax as a call to action to world leaders, vaccine developers, and global health funders.

Check them out below to learn more!

Our wins are:


  1. Measurable increases in national and joint, multilateral funding and financing for TB vaccine R&D

  1. Explicit and transparent commitments and plans from developers and governments to ensure equitable access

  1. TB vaccines and TB R&D are integrated into AMR and other relevant global health agendas

Keep scrolling to read the wins in detail, find translations, discover our plans, and learn what you can do to support us!

The wins in detail